My dad Flordelino L. Cacho US Navy retired (right side)
Uncle Fred Farin retired - US Navy, dad and Uncle Alfredo Potes recently passed away in Hawaii
Uncle Jess Aguilar US Army recently passed away
Uncle Warley Falucho US Navy retired - my mom's brother
Kuya Danny Potes US Navy
My brother Noel US Air Force

Denise US Army - Noel's girl friend a long time ago
Son-in-law Jay Moore US Marine with Leilani
Daniel Falucho US Air Force (Active) Uncle Warley's son
Larry and Michelle opened their home to many young servicemen and women. A lot of them have been going back and forth to Iraq plus... - Brian, Tyler, Katie, Kevin, AJ, Jay, Seth, of which some are still Active. Larry and Michelle recently received some bad news that young Tony just died fighting for our country.
My cousin Manang Minda spouse Larry Cobb was US Navy now retired and Michelle's Uncle Jerry Trego also served.
John and Ellin Donga (good friends) have three sons in the Arm Forces - Ryan, Thomas, and Andrew.
a Poem by Ellin A. Donga
Dear God,
Today I place
My child on the altar
Of our country.
I take this tender
Piece of my heart,
That was molded in my body
By Your hand
And with the trust of a child,
I place his hand in Yours.
Father, I humbly and gladly
Give back to You
What you so beautifully handed to me.
On the day of his birth
You placed his future
In my trembling hands
And trusted me to guide him in Your Ways.
Now I pass on to You
The gift of his life.
I ask only that You use it
For Your glory and honor.
My trust is in You
My son is in Your care
My heart is at peace. Amen
©Ellin A. Donga
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