May 22, 1921 to February 5, 2009
Jess was a beloved father and grandfather. He leaves behind his wife of 62 years, Virginia Aguilar, six children, Arch. Jesse Aguilar, Laura Aguilar Daroya, Mildred Aguilar Abueg, Arch. Vic Aguilar. Romy Aguilar and Dr. Noel Aguilar, twenty-two grandchildren and five great grandchildren. He will forever remain in our hearts.
Founder & Commander of FII-Arn. WWWII Veterans of Diego. Inc. 6 AMVETS post 1942
United States Army VeteranFirst Lieutenant. Intelligence Operation Officer Served with Distinction and Honor during World War II.
In the United States Armed Forces in the Far East Served Under General Douglas McArthur in Leyte during LiberationHy Co 2n d Bn 9th Regiment Bataan Military District, East Central Luzon MilitaryArea- 38th Div. - 6th Army service from 1941 to 1996
He was a regular columnist for the Mabuhay Times in the early 90'
Video by Dr. Noel Aguilar
Click Photo Gallery for pictures
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