Thursday, April 21, 2011

Grand babies and Photography Painting without Photoshop

Playing with the grand babies - photographed by Joy with her new NEX-5
 De-focusing while taking the picture
 White balance at the warmer side
 Full moon at midnight
Painting an outline on the flower pedals
 A little bit of macro
 My outline taken early in the morning
Red and Black
the Dark side
My painting styles - changing the brake pads

My dad always told us to put the tire under the car just in case the jack collapse

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photography Relaxes Me

Chris and I started taking pictures again during our lunch break, just to relax and practice what we learned in our photography classes. More pictures of the grand kids at Sea World with grandma Susan a week ago and baby sitting last Saturday.
I normally check my foreground and background before I select my subjects - painting with just the camera.