I made a wireless remote control for the Canon 30d or any Canon with a RS-80N3 connection. The wireless chips are from Linx Technologies (http://www.linxtechnologies.com), the data sheet can be download from their site. The KH series is the simples circuit to use , all you need is a 3volt battery, antenna, transistors, resistors and the RS-80N3 connector (EBay Adidt remote). It cost less than $50 to make without the RS-80N3 connector. With the Linx CMD-Key transmitter (it looks like a car key alarm) the effective range was about 100ft. I'm in the process of making a KH transmitter. These KH series chips should have a range of 300ft. I designed my receiver with a quad opto-isolator, that means the Linx circuits and the Canon circuit are not electrically connected. Connection is thru a led and phototransistor. More Linx circuit info's coming later.
Dominic's Swim Lessons
8 years ago
cool! i wish i was smart enough to build cool stuff like that! :-)
I stumbled upon your journal entry while searching for how to build my own wireless remote for my Canon 30D. How has your remote worked for you? Did you have any glitches like having to press the button(s) more than once for the shutter to engage? I've never built anything electronic before, do you have or can you point me in the right direction to get started? Thanks in advance.
Hi Amber,
My remote control works just fine.
You need to know about electronics components, wiring, soldering, reading circuit diagrams, etc. to put something together. I learned electronics in a community college. Radio Shack has simple electronics kits that you can play around with, if your interested. You can buy remote controls in Ebay for less than making it.
Good luck
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