Thursday, June 30, 2011

Today is Nicci's Birthday

We celebrated it last Sunday at the park.  Lyle made the cake, it was pretty good.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Does a 9 month little old boy know anything about a dune buggy?

Does little James know anything about buggy sound?
Check the Video

Father's day at Sea World. Joy's little artist.
 Sweet tooth
 our little artist
 I made these toys for Joel and Ariana - they started driving pretty early
 Willie's buggy
 Joel's new toy from Darrell (an old friend) - chrome frame with a turbo Corvair 6 cylinder engine 

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Babies Playing and My Mom Singing Happy Birthday to Me

Yesterday was my birthday and my mom always called me.   This is a recording of her singing her version of Happy Birthday.  Miss you MOM.
 More of my painting style
The Bald Eagle looks like a sketch if you enlarge it - High contrast and a little over expose 
 Do you see a head on the flower? Hint the shadow
Chris shooting on our lunch break.