Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Waterfall from the Past

I've been scanning a lot of Joy's family pictures lately and I came across this black & white picture that Joy's grandfather, also a photographer, took in the 1940's. Lisa and David took Ariana and I to this same place when we were visiting a couple years ago. The waterfall is in a national park in Illinois it looks dry back then and it was only trickling when we were there.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Steven's Civil Trial a couple weeks ago

Joy and I went to the Ivy Hotel in San Diego downtown to support Steven, Larry, and Michelle where they stayed waiting to be called to tesitify. Steven was in a car accident about two years ago and has been suffering with a brain injury. Here's a picture of Steven with one of his lawyers Nick. We hope everything turns out well for him.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cleared I-15 freeway in 30secs

Used a 30 seconds exposure and a couple of ND filters looking down from Larry & Michelle's house.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

SD Wild Animal Park

Joy and I went to the Wild Animal Park serveral times after work to take some pictures. Great exercise going up and down the trails. Also teaching Joy what to look for the background, like the three B's - blur, black and blown. I think she did a great job, I especially like her lion with the jaw in motion.