We went to the OFC trade show last month for a week - showing potential customer our optical switches. The optical switch are made of tiny little mirrors 81 of them fit in a dime they are called MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) that redirect laser beams in 3D movements (used in communication) to different connections thru fiber optic cables (made of glass a little thicker than our hairs) - it's just like our phone line going thru electrical relays (the relay is like the optical switch, the relay is only 1D) to select different telephone lines via electrical signals.
Our demo was made of four TV monitors, four DVDs, and four transports (electrical signals converted into light and back again). The electrical signal from the DVD went to the transport to our optical switch and then back to the transport converted back into a electrical for the TV. The optical switch moved various shows to different TV monitors to demo a very simple 4X4 switch, but it's an actually 81x81 switch that's over 6560 different connections.
Since I designed the whole demo system hardware and another guy did the software, we had to be their just in case something when wrong. But I did an exit stage left to take the family out to Disneyland after I was done setting it up and testing it - ready for the show. Of course something went bad one of the DVD's - when we were in Disneyland and in line, I told them they just have to wait for a couple more hours (this was on a Saturday and the show didn't start till Monday - ha!).
I used my home made wireless remote for the group pictures.
The CEO packing it up get ready for home - Wednesday was a long day.
The bug show was a very cool 3D movie in the California park.
Dominic's Swim Lessons
8 years ago